Kindness Project 


By choosing to act with kindness rather than envy, arrogance, superiority, fear or frustration, we make the world better: it beautifies us and everyone and everything around us.

Kindness is more than charity, it is a choice to intellectually, psychologically and emotionally engage with others, issues and situations. Kindness requires shifts in both our mindset and behaviour, transforming who we are as individuals and as a community.


Because it is a mindset, the expansiveness of the act does not determine its impact. The seemingly simplest of acts - listening to another, sharing a smile or hug or giving a thirsty person something to drink, can change the course of someone’s life or alter the outcome of situations.


Each of us carries within us the potential to be a leader, in our families, communities or workplaces. By consciously choosing to lead with kindness, we supercharge our influence and capacity to change the world. We bemoan the meanness of our current political, community, cultural and faith leaders, too easily believing we are powerless to affect change. Yet our curiosity, compassion and consideration for others has the power to shake the very foundations of our community.

Kindness cards are the currency of a conscious and compassionate community. Their value increases with use, as they spread a message of altruism that manifests a generous humanity in both the giver and receiver.

Naomi Knight Kindness Cards

How to Use

The Kindness Card signals to the beneficiary that they have experienced an act of kindness, encouraging them to undertake an act of kindness for someone else, thereby passing the card along.




When Naomi is buying a cup of coffee, she pays for two coffees, leaving a kindness card with the cashier, to pass along to the next person in the line, when they discovers that their morning coffee has already been paid for.


Richard notices that Monica has been having a hard time at work. The next morning, before Monica gets in, he leaves a block of chocolate on her desk with a kindness card. Monica discovers the chocolate when she arrives at work, her day is automatically lifted as she wonders who might have been so kind to leave it for her. She picks up the kindness card and understands the opportunity she has to improve someone else’s life with a touch of kindness. Next time she is at the café ordering a sandwich, she chooses to pay for the cost of two meals and instructs the café owner to pass the meal and kindness card along to a young woman she knows goes to the shop and is struggling to the make ends meet.




How can I  get hold of some kindness cards?

Simply fill out the contact form and a set of ten cards will be mailed direct to you.

If you are interested in establishing a kindness movement in your workplace,  let me know by emailing on and I’ll be in touch to talk about how I can help you kickstart a movement that will change the way you and your colleagues experience work.

Naomi Knight Working Together - Leadership