
Naomi Knight Speaking.jpg

Naomi is one of Australia’s most thoughtful experts on resilience, leadership, culture and how to orchestrate organisational resources to achieve purpose.




Leadership Hurts! 

Naomi explores the costs of leadership and the absolute necessity for leaders to be continuously exploring and acknowledging their emotional labour burdens. Few leaders are ever really taught to be leaders and as a result they can pose the greatest risk to organisational performance and employee resilience, health and wellbeing and engagement. Drawing on her 20+ years of experience as a leader in global corporate, public and not for profit organisations, Naomi offers a unique perspective on what it takes to be a leader in the 21st century.


Creating a Culture Where Everyone Belongs

Diversity and inclusion are top of mind for all leaders, yet few are gaining traction. Diversity competitions are forcing leaders and HR managers into prisoner dilemmas choices, whilst other employees complain that someone else’s inclusion comes at the cost of their exclusion. Committed to creating cultures where everyone belongs, Naomi explores the power of power of diversity whilst at the same helping audiences grapple with the simultaneous and complex interlocking factors of disadvantage and marginalisation individuals experience because of race, gender, sexuality and ability. Drawing on her lived experience and work as a leader in global corporate, public and not profit organisations, Naomi offers her award-winning perspective in an engaging and thought-provoking keynote.


Transforming Toxicity into Trust

In 2018, the Oxford Dictionary selected ‘toxicity’ as the word of the year. Impervious to geographic boundaries, specific industries or communities, organisational toxicity represents the greatest risk to organisational and employee resilience, reputation and performance. Naomi offers deep insights into how toxicity takes root in organisational structures, policy, strategy and service delivery and how it can be transformed into trust. Far from offering a quick fix, Naomi helps audiences comprehend how leadership, cognitive ecologies, organisational architecture and culture and purpose interlock to reinforce toxicity or trust. Drawing on her work with global and domestic corporate, public and not for profit organisations, Naomi offers a unique perspective as she encourages audiences to embrace the art of trauma, so they can become organisational masters of kintsugi.

If the topic you are interested in is not listed above, please let me know in the booking form below and I can work with you to create custom content.

Naomi Knight Working Together - Leadership