Meet Naomi Knight

Naomi Knight - About Me.png

Working at the highest levels of government, corporate and global enterprises, Naomi Knight has been instrumental in solving some of the most wicked problems.

A born strategist, Naomi has the innate ability to combine disruptive creativity, collaboration and agility to energise organisations from the inside out – starting with their leaders.

She is able to instil in her clients the confidence to lead and the conviction to build more resilient, responsive teams ready to face adverse conditions, both inside and outside of the workplace. 

A trusted adviser and business leader, Naomi has been untangling complex interpersonal and organisational dynamics for over twenty years’. Working with some of the world’s leading institutions (nationally and internationally), Naomi is one of Australia’s most thoughtful experts on resilience, leadership, culture and how to orchestrate organisational resources to achieve purpose. 

Adept at managing trauma and crisis, Naomi builds effective collaborations to resolve immediate problems and address deeper systemic issues; creating sustainable long-term outcomes. 

Perhaps most importantly, Naomi understands that leadership hurts. 

Key to her methods is a deep understanding of leadership and its emotional impact on the health and wellbeing on the individual, organisation, immediate and extended workforce. Naomi knows that leadership can be the source of debilitating organisational decay characterised by employee disengagement, workplace bullying and harassment, rising rates of stress, anxiety and depression and low levels of customer satisfaction.

Tired of witnessing spiralling devastation resulting from band-aid solutions that set individuals and organisations up for failure, Naomi embarked on a journey to establish her own practice to create sustainable long term solutions. 

She creates and holds the space for her clients to be themselves, to acknowledge and embrace their vulnerabilities, articulate and imagine their goals and build the necessary strength, courage and capability to manifest their potential.

Utilising a dynamic and demanding process, Naomi guides individuals and teams beyond barriers. The result? Cultivating the conscious, compassionate, creative, collaborative leaders which are critical to creating workplaces, organisations, communities and societies that support and nurture individuals and families. 

Naomi Knight Working Together - Leadership

Choosing collaborators from a crowded marketplace is always a challenge, so I look for a values alignment to ensure I’m working with people who share my passions. My values guide every aspect of my life and play a critical role in founding collaborations that work.   After many years of exploring my values, I have come to realise that I value the following: Curiosity and finding possibility everywhere; Transformation through continuous learning, wisdom and humility; Intention & Attention in all things; Creativity and disruption; and Resilience. And I believe we all deserve glitter in our teacups.

I am inspired by those who can imagine an end state and then make the process of achieving it – joyful, inspirational and empowering.



Janine Garner

Janine Garner

Janine is one of Australia's leading experts on networking, leadership, influence and collaboration. She is a sought after speaker, trainer and mentor who helps individuals, leaders and organisations unleash their brilliance to drive success. She leads the way in helping individuals and businesses master the art of creating hyper-profitable networks to drive leads, sales and growth.

She has worked with leadership and high potential teams of some of the world’s best brands including Hewlett Packard Enterprise, DXCTechnology, Bulgari, Ernst & Young, Westpac, CISCO, Optus, CBA, Scentre Group, CBRE, Ralph Lauren, Jaeger and Citizen Watches to name a few. She is the author of best selling books, ‘It’s Who You Know’ and 'From Me To We' and is a regular contributor to The Australian, CEO Magazine, Success Magazine and Sky Business.

She has delivered keynotes for CBA, Sigma, Westpac, Optus, Destination Melbourne, Liberty Finance, EY, Fernwood Fitness, MyPlanner, ANZIIF and Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) amongst others.

Frankly Creating

Frankly Creating Designer and Copywriting

Franky’s diverse career is also a global one, it has involved living and working throughout the Middle East, and the UK - she’s officially set up camp, and now calls Australia home. Moving on from the world of in-house marketing, advertising and PR agencies, Franky’s business does one simple thing – it helps people create, frankly.

Encompassing everything from strategy to design, through to copy writing and web builds, she has a penchant for helping people (and brands) create purpose driven, interesting and beautiful content. Now based in Melbourne, after having spent a few years in Sydney, her client base is near, dear, and far and wide.

Janine Fabre

Janine Fabre

Janine Fabre is an accredited professional photographer specialising in personal and business branding. She understands strategic messaging needs and the importance of visuals to achieve it. Janine believes imagery allows clients to see the person behind the business which means they can relate to you.

She is skilled in both video and stills and is able to produce polished short video clips and photographs for websites, printed materials and social media. With over ten years experience in the industry, Janine really listens to what the client wants and guides them the best way forward. ​

KAOS Goulburn Hair Salon

KAOS Hair Salon - Naomi Knight Partner

KAOS is an independently owned and operated hair salon, proud to pamper guests from anywhere in the Goulburn 
and Southern Highland regions. Kaos understands the mind body spirit connection in haircare. We can create the 
look that you want or rebuild hair that has been damaged by stress and environmental factors.