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Leadership hurts!

We all have at least one experience of working for someone who hurt us – psychologically, emotionally and mentally – which often manifests in physical illness. And If you have held a leadership role – at work, school, sports team, community group – you know that it is not all that it is cracked up to be.  Managing other people’s expectations, guiding the efforts of the team and minimising the disconnect we are experiencing between the stated values and purpose of an endeavour and the reality, all come at a cost.

Typically, we have worried about the physical hazards of the workplace. However as global business has evolved to primarily revolve around relationships, connections and networks – the greatest threat to the health and wellbeing of your organisation Is the individual and collective emotional and mental health of your employees, stakeholders and customers.

I help you manage the trauma of leadership and work – so no-one is permanently hurt – and durable governance structures and systems can be developed to nurture resilience, transformational growth and a culture of belonging that inspires continuous learning and evolution.

Leadership Emotional Labour Naomi Knight

Masterclass Series


Series of monthly 90 min Masterclasses with >10 participants between 4-6 months

Underpinned by individual mentoring and guided self directed learning

Face to face delivery: being part of a small group, participants connect and learn through the diversity of their expertise and experience, and their individual and collective insights. Each masterclass will use blended teaching and learning styles to ensure all participants are able to access information. Drawing on contemporary case studies, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own experiences and as appropriate, immediately implement their insights and report back on progress throughout the series.

Diversity & Inclusion


A Learning Community with Individual Group Mentoring.

Through a mix of blended learning, participants individually and collectively explore a range of concepts, mindsets, beliefs and values.

After developing an understanding of these concepts and beliefs, participants are taught how to identify and asses the existence, nature and impact of dysfunction in workplace culture; exploring methods on how to build, improve and make change.

Naomi Knight Working Together - Leadership