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The Details…


Masterclass Series


Masterclasses promote accelerated learning and growth, especially when underpinned by mentoring:

  • The small group environment allows participants to connect and form peer-to-peer networks often strengthening individual learning and growth

  • Leveraging individual and collective knowledge, insight and experience, participants are able to access greater diversity of thought and understanding often supercharging their capacity and capability

  • The creation of the trusted network, through the masterclass promotes resilience and the increases the individual’s capacity to understand and harness the growth opportunity within trauma, challenge and dissonance

Naomi Knight Working Together - Leadership

Trusted Adviser Consulting


Mix of advisory services including:

  • Risk diagnosis and analysis

  • Strategy – performance, growth, transformation, culture, D&I, L&D

  • Shadow CEO to support, mentor, advise, reflect

  • Co-opted Adviser to Board

  • Skills Audits -Board, C+ Suite

    Deep Dive analysis on:

  • Culture: trust, resilience, innovation, engagement, agility, connection & consciousness

  • Cognitive ecology across value creation chain including network governance and out-source expert suppliers

  • Emotional Labour: toxicity, depth, breadth and impact

  • Systemic durability (operations and governance) to drive high performance

Sitting alongside C+ leaders, I act as a sounding board and mentor/adviser/guide creating and holding a safe space for them to reflect, plan, pilot and evaluate. Equally as a Trusted Adviser, I can represent the C+ and/or Board working with individuals, teams and business units to identify opportunities for their personal, professional, individual and collective, growth and performance.



  • Risk analysis and measurement

  • Intersectionality & Design Thinking

  • Critical Analysis & Problem Solving

  • Cognitive ecology analysis and management

  • Chaos and complexity theory

  • Diversity and inclusion frameworks (gender, culture, race, disability, sexuality)

  • Blue Ocean Consulting

  • Blue Ocean Leadership

  • Appreciative Inquiry

  • Stakeholder mapping and management

  • Relationship analysis and management

  • Mindfulness meditation

  • Conscious presence

  • Creative thinking

  • Influential communications

  • Effective Management and Prioritisation skills

Identify, diagnose, manage and resolve:

  • Risk

  • Strategy direction and execution

  • Leadership Impact

  • Culture formation, evolution and transformation

  • Leader isolation, loneliness and dissonance

  • Mental, emotional and psychological wellness

  • Barriers to diversity and inclusion

  • Employee and stakeholder engagement

  • Alignment across purpose, values and execution

  • Resilience

As a Trusted Adviser I help Boards be confident that they are minimising risks to:

  • Good governance

  • Health and wellbeing of all stakeholders

  • Resilient and sustainable performance and growth 

Naomi Knight Working Together - Leadership

Diversity & Inclusion: Learning Community with Individual Group Mentoring


Through a mix of blended learning, participants individually and collectively explore the following concepts, mindsets, beliefs and values:

  • Intersectionality of factors driving exclusion

  • Unconscious bias

  • Trust

  • What does it mean to belong

After understanding these concepts and beliefs, participants are taught how to identify and asses the existence, nature and impact of:  

  • Cognitive ecologies and distributed mind

  • Emotional labour

  • Power of dissonance

  • Complexity and chaos

In understand the nature of dysfunction in the workplace culture, participants then explore how to build:

  • Resilience

  • Durable structures, policies, systems and processes

  • Addressing fear and subverting the dominant discourse and paradigm

  • Tailored action plans to inspire, engage and motivate action

  • Design unique evaluation and measurement framework to track belonging


Complex program:

Rather than offering a one day workshop that fails to effect deep, sustainable change, this program is a mix of:

  • Formal learning

  • On the job experience

  • Role modelling

  • Peer learning networks

A range of templates and workshop resources will help individual’s translate their learning into actionable plans that impact culture and the organisational cognitive ecology.

Learning communities will be created during each workshop to promote the implementation and embedding of insights achieved through the workshop. Importantly the communities will promote deeper connections with other participants providing a network of supportive professionals doing similarly powerful, impactful and consuming work.

These communities will be moderated and supported through closed face to face and online spaces.

Participants will be supported to continue their growth through tailored self directed learning program and individual mentoring. 

Depending on the setup of the workshop is established, a follow up masterclass might be planned, providing a clear evaluation and measurement track.

Similarly workshop champions or participants might commission a Trusted Adviser diagnosis (or have sought one prior to the workshop) which typically will also identify and recommend actions and progress trackers.

Building a culture:

Building a culture of belonging, is the work of a lifetime. Never truly completed, each new interaction and interpersonal relationship impacts culture and the operation of organisational ecology.  However, by understanding self, others and the fundamentals necessary to promote diversity and belonging, dynamic and inclusive cultures can emerge and continuously evolve.

This workshop is unique and offers a grounded approach to tackling a wicked program that is at the heart of slow organisation growth and decreasing performance.

The fostering of cultures that includes and promotes diversity requires a paradigm shift in leadership, strategy and execution. Typical half or full day courses focussed on short term tactics ultimately fail and irrevocably hurt employees, leaders and the end consumer or client.

Naomi Knight Working Together - Leadership
Naomi Knight Working Together - Leadership